Located on the 1st floor, Timberland has built a reputation for making rugged outdoor gear. In 1973, the first Timberland waterproof leather boot was introduced, setting new standards for craftsmanship, durability and protection for the outdoors. Well-crafted, dependable and authentic, it stands as a symbol for everything Timberland makes. Whether it’s for men, women or kids, Timberland gear is built with a passion for the outdoors that’s reflected in our commitment to the environment to get you outdoors comfortably. And confidently.
Find detailed information about Timberland in Jervis Shopping Centre in Dublin 16 Locations, Products, Hours, Phone number, Email, holiday hours, Prices and Near me locations.
Service Options
– In-store shopping
Shop With Timberland
- Shoes
- Boat Shoes
- Trainers
- Chukka Boots
- Chelsea Boots
- Ankle Boots
- Coats & Jackets
- Sweatshirts & Hoodies
- T-Shirts
- Bottoms
- Dresses
- Bags & Duffels
- Product Care
- Hats, Scarves and Gloves
- Backpacks
– Lifestyle Store
Payment Options
- Apple Pay
- Google Pay
- Mastercard
- Maestro
- Shop pay
- Visa
Offers and Coupons from Timberland
Their is Gift Card available on their Websites : Click here