Find detailed information about Westend Shopping Park, Dublin 15 Locations, Hours, Phone number, Email, holiday hours and Near me locations.
Westend Shopping Park Regular Business Hours
What time does the Westend Shopping Park Open and close?
Hours today | Opening Hours | Closing Hours |
Monday | 09:00 am | 07:00 pm |
Tuesday | 09:00 am | 07:00 pm |
Wednesday | 09:00 am | 09:00 pm |
Thursday | 09:00 am | 09:00 pm |
Friday | 09:00 am | 09:00 pm |
Saturday | 08:00 am | 10:00 pm |
Sunday | 09:00 pm | 09:00 pm |
Store hours may vary
Holiday hours of Westend Shopping Park
The hours of operation change during the holiday season. The majority of the stores will adjust their hours of operation during the holidays. The observed holidays include:
- Bank Holidays
- New Year’s Day
- Easter Monday
- St Stephen’s Day
Map Directions & near me locations
Please, search Westend Shopping Park near me locations from the map below. Also, use this store locator map to find store locations near you.
– Food Facilities
– Free Parking
Parkin Information
600 Free Parking Spaces
For parking-related information, charges & location visit their parking guideline page.
Offers and Coupons
Knows about what’s going on or offers at Westend Shopping Park: Click here
About Westend Shopping Park
Over 200,000 square feet of Ireland’s favorite fashion and lifestyle brands, including Argos, Next, Nike Factory Store, Chemist Warehouse, Homesense, Dealz, Lidl, and Costa Coffee, can be found in Westend, an exciting and dynamic shopping park.
The Westend Shopping Park is just off the M50 ring road at a location 12 kilometers from the city center of Dublin. It is easily accessible by both private and public transportation. 600 free parking spaces are available right outside the doors of our retailers at Westend Shopping Park. Westend Shopping Village, which is adjacent to the shopping center and houses a number of important convenience stores, adds even more appeal to Westend Shopping Park.